Ava Alan

Ava Alan is the Editor-in-Chief at Advanceloanday. She has been associated with the content strategist team of loan experts since 2019. Her work includes intensive research and developing information-packed high-end blogs and articles. Ava’s prior experience in this genre of writing is well highlighted in this writings. Her persuasive writing style is the outcome of the experience she has gathered for years. Her write-ups mostly address the pain points of the borrowers with a solution following it. She has a postgraduate degree in Business Administration with Finance as major. The start of her career as a journalist writer has helped her in gaining in-depth knowledge about the diverse categories of finance products. Although writing is her profession, travelling and exploring new places is her first love.
car insurance
Ava Alan March 30, 2022

How can you open doors to money-saving on car insurance?

Having good car insurance for your car is very important. The good news is that many car insurance companies offer you the right insurance. You just have to go through your research to get the best one. The insurance that you choose should include many factors. The factors include lower premium, larger tenure etc. The …

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Debt Consolidation Loan
Ava Alan March 28, 2022

How Likely Is It to Attain a Debt Consolidation Loan despite Bad Credit?

Do you have multiple loans in arrears? Do you pay repayments separately on each loan? What if you could mere all your pending dues into a single monthly payment?   That’s how debt consolidation works. For example: If you have car loans on bad credit online, home renovation loans, student loans and pay repayments separately. …

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Ava Alan March 25, 2022

As a beginner, how can you plan a profitable day trading?

Day trading involves buying and selling your financial instruments. This trading can happen once a day or multiple times a day. There are many advantages of debt trading. Many financial experts go for day trading and earn money out of it. They also make it lucrative for them. If done in the proper manner, it …

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Ava Alan March 23, 2022

Top 7 Things People Often Do Wrong with Their Finances

“Who has seen tomorrow? live for today.” This philosophy is as cliché as it gets, not to mention completely useless. People who live by this philosophy will end up in a lot of debt. You see them earning a lot of money yet needing loans. It doesn’t take a genius to realize that poor financial …

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wealth grow
Ava Alan March 22, 2022

Follow these simple tricks and let your wealth grow

Are you very diligent in money matters? Saving always seems the safest option to have a financial backup for unfortunate times. But don’t you want your wealth to double up? Simply saving is just not enough as it will keep the money intact. With that, you will have a rainy day fund should be prepared …

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start your own business
Ava Alan March 21, 2022

13 Reasons to start your own business and work for yourself

If you already have an entrepreneur seed in you, work towards building that seed into a fruitful and money-making tree. The year 2022 indicates little signs of recovery from the impact of a pandemic. Not to mention, covid-19 affected numerous businesses worldwide, resulting in shutting it down. The good news is businesses that were forced …

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Finalising a Car
Ava Alan March 21, 2022

10 Things to Concentrate Before Finalising a Car for Yourself

Christin had just joined a new job. Her office was very far from her accommodation. She decided to buy a car and went to the nearest car dealership. She always wanted to own a white car. She had made the choice of a car that she dreamt of having. Car dealers assisted her with car …

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Ava Alan March 16, 2022

How to Save Money from Shopping

Money and shopping: You cannot separate them at all! But the latter can be bad for the former at times. Your ideas and responsibilities regarding money can be different. Maybe you shop seldom and save cash money more than sending it in stores. Or, you can be a shopaholic. Now, shopping isn’t bad. It is …

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Start-ups in The United Kingdom
Ava Alan March 14, 2022

Start-ups in The United Kingdom: Idea, Finances, Goals, And Payments

Becoming a successful entrepreneur is like a dream. Entrepreneurs create opportunities, help in boosting the economy, provide employment, and help build the nation. If you have dreamed of building your dream business from scratch, well, we have brought some financial tips for you. Did you know, every year, over 400,000 new firms come up in …

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