No Guarantor Loans

Do not worry about your loan chances. Get our online loans with no guarantor despite the bad credit.

  •  Instant loan payout
  •  Non-homeowner can apply
  •  Improve your credit score
  •  Easy-to-manage monthly instalments
  •  Approval of recent financial performance

Representative Example: Credit Amount - £4,000 for 12 months at £430.13 per month. Total loan repayment amount of £5161.60. Interest Amount: £161.60. Interest rate: 49.9% pa (fixed). 49.9% APR Representative.

No guarantor loans for bad credit – Get up to £10000

You may think that with a ‘no’ guarantor, but ‘yes’, there will be many obstacles while applying for a loan. At Advanceloanday, the reality is different. We do not need any companion with your side while applying for a loan.

We responsibly offer affordable no guarantor loans in the UK, especially for those struggling with poor credit. It will be a double benefit for you, and suddenly, high loan acceptance becomes a reality.

It does not mean that you pay higher interest rates. We provide these loans at reasonable interest rates as we analyse your current financial performance, not the past one. You may have bad credit because situations might not favour you. This will be the criteria we set when offering either pound 5000 or 10000 loans for bad credit with no guarantor for a maximum duration from 24 months to 60 months.

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What are loans without guarantors for bad credit?

Loans where no guarantor needed, describe the arrangement from the lender’s end, which allows a loan applicant to submit an application without a guarantor. Over the years, the guarantor’s presence has been assumed vital to get the loan approval. There is no risk for the lender, as the guarantor will repay the money if the primary borrower defaults.

Now, it has been realised that having a guarantor is not always possible. It is mainly in the scenario of bad credit. As the direct lender, we have brought an alternative in loans without a guarantor. These will be short-term loans but become valuable when you urgently need money to calm down unforeseen costs like medical bills, car repair, urgent shopping for holidays, etc.

While seeking no guarantor loans from a direct lender, you will get the following features:

Competitive APRs

Our loans have manageable APRs, which do not put an extra burden on your monthly income.

No upfront fees

We do not intend to surprise you with any cost because we believe in complete transparency.

Fast loan decision

If you are eligible to make loan repayments and interest rates, we instantly approve a loan for you.

Why do you need a no guarantor loan for bad credit?

Whenever you are in a financially challenging situation, you feel that is why you need a loan. Do you have no other option? Are you lacking enough savings to cope with unexpected expenses? Many reasons describe why you should look for loans without a guarantor from a direct lender.

At the same time, you need to be sure about your loan affordability. Besides, it does not mean you should go for loans for any financial situation. There must be some specific situations where you should opt for a no-guarantor loan.

  • You need only a small amount

    The primary reason to go for the loan is that you may require only a small amount. It sometimes happens when you do not want to disturb your savings for small expenses. Instead, obtaining a loan where no guarantor is needed can solve the maximum of your purpose.

  • You want an early funding access

    Urgency in your financial life does not allow you to sit and relax. What you want is an early disbursal of funds. It can only be possible with online loans where compulsions like a guarantor are nonexistent. With these same-day no guarantor loans, you get the loan decision and disbursal both on the exact date.

  • Your goal is to improve your credit score

    It is not necessary that when you have surprising expenses, then only you decide to have a loan. Many individuals are there applying for loans for bad credit with no guarantor only to improve their credit ratings. Since you will be the sole payer of the loan, you will have better chances of enhancing your credit score.


Apply for a loan with no guarantor instantly

Check your eligibility to borrow up to £10000 today

Applying here will not impact your credit score and there is no obligation to be compulsory.

What are the advantages of non-guarantor loans?

Loans without a guarantor and bad credit are primarily short-term borrowing, and it has its advantages. You may be eligible to avail of those benefits if you can afford the loan interest rates and monthly instalments. You may compare their advantages with other direct lender loans, but later, you will be delighted with these loans, especially when you have a poor credit score.

advantages of non-guarantor loans

Here are the possible advantages of non-guarantor loans:

  • Acceptance on CCJ

    There are not many lenders giving acceptance on the loan application to those with County Court Judgement. We are different from them, and we feel no loss in providing CCJ loans with no guarantor despite being a direct lender. However, you will get an affordable amount only.

  • Get loans on benefits

    Unemployed, disabled people, single parents or students receiving government-sponsored benefits can seek our loans on benefits with no guarantor. The primary criterion for getting the approval is your benefits, which work as the repayment source.

What options do I have on quick loans with no guarantor?

As a responsible loan provider, we want you to assume no guarantor loans as more a facility than a loan product. The primary reason is that the feature of no guarantor is available with many of our loan products, which is explained here. You can apply any of these as per your loan affordability.

Personal Loans

Unlike mainstream lenders, we have kept personal loans with no guarantor option. You can receive approval on your good credit score or by placing an asset as the loan collateral.

No Credit Check Loans

Every loan should go through the credit check process before being delivered to the applicants. We also do so, but sometimes, and on some conditions, we offer no credit check loans with no guarantors.

Unemployed Loans

Jobless days are very tough, especially when you have little savings. Now, you can avoid such a situation by opting for our unemployed loans with no guarantor needed.

Long-Term Loans

You may feel amazed that we are ready to take long-term loans with no guarantor facility. It is true, and we can take the risk based on the collateral you provide to avail of the desired amount.

Unsecured Loans

Many believe that since no guarantor is needed, you must put collateral against the loan. It does not happen here; you are pre-approved to get small unsecured loans with no guarantor.

Bad Credit Loans

We provide no guarantor loans, especially to those with less-than-perfect credit scores. Besides, our specialised bad credit loans are also available with no guarantor option.

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I want guaranteed loans. Can I get it with no guarantor?

Everyone, who wants a loan, would like to have it on guaranteed approval. As a loan aspirant, you have the freedom to aspire for it, but no lender can promise you complete loan assurance. Providing loans on individual affordability should be the objective of every lender. We also aim for the same, as being responsible, but work hard to increase the chances of offering guaranteed loans with no guarantor.

We may guarantee you a loan on certain conditions. The primary of them is you should ask for an affordable amount only. You should know your financial limitations before applying for the loans, as it helps you request a repayment. Besides, you should manage the repayments from your monthly income only. We will not suggest you use your savings to pay the monthly instalments.

Another way to fetch 100% acceptance loans with no guarantor from a direct lender is to pledge an asset. It should have an equal value to the amount you want to borrow. Still, you must remember that you may lose possession of that asset to the lender if you default between the loan term. Alternatively, your full-time or steady monthly income can also guarantee you a loan.

Where no guarantor loans come as a risky option?

Almost every loan is subjected to risk, and therefore, one should be careful while applying for any such funding source. Similarly, loans without a guarantor also have some risks, which you should be aware of. You do not need to go anywhere to be familiar with loan risks, as we explain here.

High-interest rate: Most lenders consider individuals with no guarantor as risky borrowers, and thus, they put higher interest rates. However, we are here to relieve you by keeping interest rates on the competitive side only.

Another debt: You have a poor credit score due to multiple debts, and if you apply for another loan, it will add one more debt. You may feel uncomfortable then. Therefore, you should borrow only the affordable amount that you can repay.

Credit rating: If you fall short of making repayments of your no-guarantor loan, this will be shown in your credit file, and later, it can impact your credit score. We suggest you think about everything before finalising a loan.

Get a loan with no guarantor but with Advanceloanday

Availing of direct lender guarantor loans or no guarantor loans brings many things in your favour. We are a modern-age lender and do not hesitate to offer loans without demanding any guarantor. It may be risky for us, but we are happy to take that risk only for you.

Arranging a guarantor is not easy because lenders want a person to be your guarantor who should have a very good credit score. It takes a lot of time, which is impossible during a financial emergency. Therefore, we have decided to arrange particular loan deals with no compulsion to have a person who can take your loan guarantee.

Everything in instant

We transfer the amount within 15 minutes once approved.

Comfortable process

We are an experienced direct lender to offer you an easy loan process.

Affordable lending

We offer only an affordable amount, which you can repay on time.

Trust is there

Around 98% of individuals have recommended us.


How are no guarantor loans different from payday loans?

Most features you will find are similar between no guarantor loans and payday loans. Still, they are very different products. No guarantor loans are more specific; they are like a facility. It means you can apply for loans without a guarantor, and the lender allows you to do so. On the other hand, payday loans also involve the same facility of no guarantor, but there are other immunities for the loan aspirants. For instance, you can get them with part-time income or no collateral needed.

Moreover, payday loans are more expensive than no guarantor loans. The primary reason is that you have other options like collateral to convince the lender, if not the guarantor.

Can I opt for loans without a guarantor for my business?

Such loans are particularly suitable for personal expenses rather than for business ones. The essential criteria are interest rates and eligibility, which significantly change regarding business funding. Therefore, you should apply for these loans for personal use only. For business funding, we may provide our specific business loans for bad credit and no guarantor, especially for start-ups

How can I achieve cheap loans for bad credit and no guarantor?

If you want cheap rates on loans for bad credit and no guarantor, then you need to be good in these aspects:

  • Ask for only an affordable amount
  • Make all the recent payments on time
  • Try to put collateral to secure the borrowed sum
  • Apply with a co-signer who has a good credit record

Are no guarantor loans guaranteed?

Any lender cannot guarantee a loan as it depends on affordability ethics. As a responsible direct lender, we still suggest you not believe in any deal where guaranteed approval is mentioned. You have higher loan chances with us because we focus on affordable loans. We only accept your application for a no guarantor loan despite bad credit if you prove your repayment capacity.

Is no guarantor loan from a direct lender possible with very bad credit?

We receive many loan requests from those having bad credit scores. Still, many queries have come from individuals with very poor credit scores. They also want access to easy funding without the compulsion of a guarantor. For them, we have explicitly planned. We have recently decided to prepare a deal, which will be named a very bad credit loan with no guarantor.

What our customers say...

Getting a loan with no guarantor has always been challenging for everyone. It was difficult for me too. Suddenly, I decided to go for a loan at Advanceloanday as it looked more reliable on no guarantor loan deals. I applied, and the response was relatively fast and satisfactory. I received the amount on the same day, and that was at reasonable interest rates. I really like your services.


I have a bad credit score, but my recent performance is satisfactory. I showed the same to Advanceloanday, and the representatives appreciated my current efforts. Based on it, they approved my loan application despite no guarantor being there to back me. Now, I am satisfied with their service. However, I expected a bit more flexibility in the interest rates, but it did not become possible due to my poor credit score. I get the loan, which is quite pleasing to me.


Many people suggested that loans without a guarantor often invite high-interest rates. I came with the same doubt, but my compulsion was to apply for the loan. I chose Advancelonaday to have such a loan as I found their interest rates quite manageable for my monthly income. Now, I have been repaying monthly instalments quickly, and there is some improvement in my credit score too.

- Jayson

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Representative 49.9% APR

Representative Example: Credit Amount - £4,000 for 12 months at £430.13 per month. Total loan repayment amount of £5161.60. Interest Amount: £161.60. Interest rate: 49.9% pa (fixed). 49.9% APR Representative.

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